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  2. Schedule a Date
  3. Personal Information

Question 1 of 4

For how many patients are you scheduling? (Military ID Required)

Question 2 of 4

Question 3 of 4

Question 4 of 4

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Select the best date for your exams, one patient at a time

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Patient's Information
PF8120 Dr. Samina Khan
Whitby, 5530 Baldwin Street South Bldg B, Whitby, CAN L1M 1T5, (833)732-7531
Doctor Info
Dr. Samina Khan
Dr. Samina Khan
Dr. Samina Khan Optometrist is also Licensed Ontario Teacher which makes uniquely qualified to help her patients understand Eye health and at home Eye Care solutions.

Graduated from the prestigeous Chicago based Illinois College of Optometry in 2009, Dr. Samina K. Khan has been practicing as an Optometrist all over North America. With her professionalism, from Chicago to Daytona Beach to Toronto and then the Durham region for the last 10 years, Dr. Khan managed to create a loyal patient base for her optometry services. Her patients come from all walks of life, with amazing things to say about her detailed oriented approach to Optometry.
Dr. Amina Khan
BSc. O.D.

Graduated from the prestigeous Chicago based Illinois College of Optometry in 2019, Dr. Amina K. Khan has been practicing as an Optometrist all over North America. With her professionalism, from Chicago to Vancouver to Toronto and then the Durham region for the last 6 years, Dr. Khan managed to create a loyal patient base for her optometry services. Her patients come from all walks of life, with amazing things to say about her detailed oriented approach to Optometry.
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5530 Baldwin Street South Bldg B

Whitby, ON L1M 1T5


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5530 Baldwin Street South Bldg B

Whitby, ON L1M 1T5


Patient's Information
